Students view their world holistically and not in separate subject areas. The curriculum reflects this. Such an approach makes learning real and meaningful for the students.
Whilst differences obviously exist between students in many aspects such as culture, religion, interests, ability, etc., all students and their opinions are valued.
Students should come to realise their value as people with a real contribution that can be made in all areas of the curriculum.
Learning experiences are planned to eliminate bias and stereotyping, particularly in relation to race, religion and gender.
Learning is a social activity.
Students learn through interaction and co-operation with peers, teachers, parents and community members.
Direct experiences are vital in the learning of primary school-aged children.
It is important that all students experience success in learning, whilst appreciating that learning often involves risk-taking and mistakes are acceptable as an integral part of the learning process.
Students should feel sufficiently secure to take risks without fear of ridicule or failure.
Learning is a continuum. There are no rigid age/grade related levels of achievement. Multi-age classes are favoured so that individual students can mature and learn at their own pace.
Individual goals for students are in accordance with the aims of school policy and build upon each student’s current achievements, ability, interests and knowledge.
Parental involvement in all school activities is valued as this support directly affects student's attitudes and achievements.
Learning is a partnership between teacher, parent/carer and student. Positive self images are necessary for effective learning to occur.
Independent work habits, independence of thought, individual initiative, self-discipline and a sense of responsibility are essential for survival in today’s society.
We believe that our school programs encourages a co-operative approach to problem solving and engaging students in non-violent activities. Violent behaviour, toys, games, etc. are not welcome at MPW. A harmonious society requires respect for the rights of others and tolerance of each other’s beliefs, customs and needs.
Student Wellbeing
At MPW, students are listened to and treated with respect. We have a strong commitment to the wellbeing of all students, teachers and community members. Our school community has consistent values that underpin our understanding and approach to student wellbeing.
Logical Consequences (Natural & Negotiated):
At MPW we understand that all actions have logical, natural consequences. This forms the basis of our discussions with students both positively and negatively, such as who is affected by a choice. Logical consequences relate to the actions being discussed in response to an issue and consistently followed up.
Logical consequences are negotiated and are designed to help students encourage, maintain or restore positive relationships. Students should have a strong voice in negotiating the consequences of their actions, with clear links being seen between the action and the consequence.
Consequences aim to help the child learn about themselves in social situations and help them develop strategies (for next time). All parties should feel they have been heard and that the consequences are just.
Classroom Rights and Responsibilities:
All classrooms develop a classroom rights and responsibilities document. It is displayed prominently in the classroom and is referred to and refined throughout the year. It is shared with specialists and the Leadership Team and sent home to families.
It is student directed (but guided by the teacher), in the shared language of the school and in line with the student wellbeing policy.
Logical consequences should be discussed as part of this process, so clear links can be seen between choices and the results of these. Positive choices should be identified and celebrated through logical, intrinsic rewards.
We do not give extrinsic rewards (e.g. certificates, stickers, etc.). Rewards do include having great friends and positive feelings. Our aim is to teach children that doing the right thing is positive without only behaving for a particular reward. Children should always be encouraged to make great choices, because it is the right thing to do, or because of the positive effect on themselves and others.
Playground Responsibilities:
Playground Responsibilities are developed and agreed upon by both students and staff, and will be displayed in classrooms and in the yard.
All staff should familiarise themselves and their class with the current playground responsibilities document. Logical consequences will apply in the yard, as per above.
At MPW we believe in shared responsibility for all members of the school community, which includes all staff members (with support if necessary) following up playground issues and reporting back to the students teacher/s.
© Copyright 2020 Moonee Ponds West Primary School